Glitter AI

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Glitter AI is a browser extension and web app specifically designed to turn your Chrome browsing experience into easily shareable step-by-step guides.


  • Document Workflows: Capture multi-step processes you perform in Chrome and convert them into visual guides with screenshots and text explanations.
  • Create Tutorials: Develop step-by-step guides for colleagues, clients, or even family members on how to complete specific online tasks.
  • Enhance Onboarding Materials: Create clear and concise visual guides for new employees to learn internal processes quickly.
  • Boost Personal Productivity: Document your own workflows for future reference or to share best practices with others.


  • Effortless Capture: Simply navigate a process in Chrome, and Glitter AI automatically captures screenshots and prompts for explanations.
  • Visual and Textual Clarity: Guides combine screenshots with your explanations for a clear and comprehensive understanding.
  • Shareability Made Easy: Generated guides can be easily shared with others via a link or downloaded as an image file.
  • Accessibility: Free browser extension and web app accessible on most devices with a Chrome browser.


  • Limited Platform Integration: Currently focused on Chrome browser, making it less versatile for users relying on other browsers.
  • Simplicity Focus: Primarily suited for creating basic guides. Complex processes might require additional editing or annotations.
  • Privacy Considerations: Be mindful of sensitive information captured in screenshots while creating guides for public sharing.


  • Automatic Capture: Glitter AI automatically captures screenshots as you navigate through a process in Chrome.
  • Inline Annotation: Add explanations and text descriptions to each step of your guide for improved clarity.
  • Editing Options: Refine your guide by adjusting screenshot sizes, adding arrows or highlights, or modifying text descriptions.
  • Sharing Capabilities: Share your guides via a unique link or download them as high-resolution images.
  • Accessibility Tools: Glitter AI offers features like text-to-speech for improved accessibility.


Glitter AI is a valuable tool for anyone who needs to document and share workflows or create simple tutorials. Its ease of use and focus on visual clarity make it ideal for various purposes. However, consider limitations for complex processes and ensure privacy for sensitive information when creating public guides.


  • Automatic Capture
  • Inline Annotation
  • Editing Options
  • Sharing Capabilities
  • Accessibility Tools:

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Does Glitter AI work on all browsers?

Currently, Glitter AI primarily functions as a Chrome browser extension and web app. There might not be official support for other browsers like Firefox or Safari yet.

Can I capture complex workflows with Glitter AI?

Glitter AI excels at capturing basic and straightforward processes. While you can create guides for complex workflows, additional editing software or manual annotations might be needed for optimal clarity.

What happens to sensitive information captured in screenshots?

Glitter AI doesn't automatically blur sensitive information. Be mindful of what information is captured in your screenshots when creating guides for public sharing. Consider blurring sensitive data like passwords or confidential details before sharing your guide.

Listing FAQs

Does Glitter AI work on all browsers?

Currently, Glitter AI primarily functions as a Chrome browser extension and web app. There might not be official support for other browsers like Firefox or Safari yet.

Can I capture complex workflows with Glitter AI?

Glitter AI excels at capturing basic and straightforward processes. While you can create guides for complex workflows, additional editing software or manual annotations might be needed for optimal clarity.

What happens to sensitive information captured in screenshots?

Glitter AI doesn't automatically blur sensitive information. Be mindful of what information is captured in your screenshots when creating guides for public sharing. Consider blurring sensitive data like passwords or confidential details before sharing your guide.

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